How to use the Advanced Targeting Extension
The Advanced Targeting extension provides you with 8 targeting options that will help you increase the conversion rates of your website. Your Popup audience can be targeted depending on:
User Status
User Role
Referral URL(s)
After X pages visit
Cookie detection
Operating system
Web Browser
URL Query String
The extension is paid. It can be purchased either within the bundles or as a single extension.
Once purchased it should be installed like this:
• In case of the bundle click here.
• In case it was purchased as a single extension click here.
The features Advanced Targeting provides are available in the Conditions section from the menu.

With Is/Is Not "Rule" you can decide whether you wish to allow/disallow popup showing for the selected Conditions.
Please see all the conditions that are available with the extension.
You can decide whether you wish to allow/disallow the popup showing for the logged in users.

The popup can be shown/not shown depending on the user role (administrator, customer, editor, author, contributor, subscriber, shop manager).

With this feature you can choose to show/not show the popup on different devices (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile and Bots).

When a user comes from a specific URL and you know the source you can add it in the options so that they can see the popup.
For instance, if you have an advertisement in Facebook, and the user clicks on the link and redirects to your website, Facebook will be the "Referral URL".
There are 4 different Rules: Starts with, Contains, Doesn't contain, Equals.

You can set a number of pages after which the popup can or cannot open for the viewer.

With this feature, you can add a cookie name by which you can display/not display the popup on the site.
You will see 4 different Rules: Starts with, Contains, Doesn't contain, Equals.

The option is giving a chance to show/not show the popup depending on the Operating System of the users' device.
There are 6 different systems to choose from: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, iOS, BlackBerry.

Choose the browser(s) the popup should or shouldn't be displayed on. The following browsers are available from the dropdown menu: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Netscape, Yandex.

If you configure this feature, the popup will appear in all pages where the added query string parameter exists or doesn’t exist. The Rules to choose from are: Starts with, Contains, Doesn't contain, Equals.

These were the options Advanced Targeting extension provides you with.
User Status
User Role
Referral URL(s)
After X pages visit
Cookie detection
Operating system
Web Browser
URL Query String
The extension is paid. It can be purchased either within the bundles or as a single extension.
Once purchased it should be installed like this:
• In case of the bundle click here.
• In case it was purchased as a single extension click here.
The features Advanced Targeting provides are available in the Conditions section from the menu.

With Is/Is Not "Rule" you can decide whether you wish to allow/disallow popup showing for the selected Conditions.
Please see all the conditions that are available with the extension.
User Status:
You can decide whether you wish to allow/disallow the popup showing for the logged in users.

User Role:
The popup can be shown/not shown depending on the user role (administrator, customer, editor, author, contributor, subscriber, shop manager).

With this feature you can choose to show/not show the popup on different devices (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile and Bots).

Referral URL:
When a user comes from a specific URL and you know the source you can add it in the options so that they can see the popup.
For instance, if you have an advertisement in Facebook, and the user clicks on the link and redirects to your website, Facebook will be the "Referral URL".
There are 4 different Rules: Starts with, Contains, Doesn't contain, Equals.

After X pages visit:
You can set a number of pages after which the popup can or cannot open for the viewer.

Cookie Detection:
With this feature, you can add a cookie name by which you can display/not display the popup on the site.
You will see 4 different Rules: Starts with, Contains, Doesn't contain, Equals.

Operating system:
The option is giving a chance to show/not show the popup depending on the Operating System of the users' device.
There are 6 different systems to choose from: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, iOS, BlackBerry.

Web Browser:
Choose the browser(s) the popup should or shouldn't be displayed on. The following browsers are available from the dropdown menu: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Netscape, Yandex.

URL Query String:
If you configure this feature, the popup will appear in all pages where the added query string parameter exists or doesn’t exist. The Rules to choose from are: Starts with, Contains, Doesn't contain, Equals.

These were the options Advanced Targeting extension provides you with.
Updated on: 03/05/2022
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